Plan miasta Menes

Menes - Najnowsze wiadomości:

off to see my lorde the kyngge

thys bmenes/b i shal sone lef mine bestate/b in kent and wende to the courte of my lorde the kynge, the whiche shalle kepe me fra my blogge-page for severalle dayes. certes ich be somwhat fereful of my lorde the kynge's wroth. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

nice bhotels/b - the nile cruise

the first pharaoh is thought to have been bmenes/b, who set his capital at memphis, 22 km south of giza in today's cairo. the pharaohs established the systems that brought forth the highly successful egyptian civilization. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Egypt | Open Travel Info

This event is credited with bMenes/b, who thus became the first Pharaoh. bMenes/b went on to establish a new capital at Memphis, just to the south of where Cairo stands today. For the next 3000 years and under 30 dynasties of the Pharaohs, ... Egypt tours and bvacations/b are very competitively priced relative to other destinations. Cairo is a huge, sprawling and chaotic metropolis. It has all the amenities of a modern city and is the usual gateway for the visitor to Egypt. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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